Student: Christos Konidas
Year: 2022
Affiliation: National Technical University of Athens
Level: Undergraduate
Thesis written in Greek
Title in Greek: Δημιουργία πλαισίου για την ενεργειακή αξιολόγηση μηχανημάτων έργου μέσω της σύγκρισης με προδιαγραφές των κατασκευαστών
Abstract: The fuel consumption of construction machinery is a determining factor in project cost formation. The search for limits within it would be reasonable for these consumptions to move is a key tool in the hands of every owner of a machine, so that he can check if the consumption he observes in the field is consistent with that proposed by the manufacturer in his specifications. With this diploma thesis, two ways of approaching the desired limits are proposed, depending on the load of the machine, drawing data from manuals of construction equipment manufacturers. The limits were approximated through variable power consumption functions, which were obtained by linear interpolation between the data, but also by defining reduced factors, dividing the liters of fuel per hour of operation by the power of the respective machine. The two approaches were then applied to real consumption data of a large construction company, classifying them in a charge category. In most construction machinery, the models work accurately and produce fast results in the delimitation of the consumption, requiring as the only input the power of the machines. Thus with only one physical variable, anyone can approach the desired consumption limits, for each machine. This, combined with the absence of fuel consumption information for most construction equipment, freely accessible, gives value to this diploma thesis, offering a solution to anyone who want to check how his machines respond energetically.