- PRIMA – Project RIsk Management
- Project Risk Management Symposium
- Quantitative project risk analysis with the use of limited historical data
- Responding to risk of safety critical infrastructures through a systems thinking approach: the case study of road tunnels
- Risk management for development and operation of photovoltaic investment projects
- Risk management for public sector construction projects' contract award process
- Risk Management for secure operation of Organisations in the Cyber-space
- Risk Management in aviation manufacturing cost estimation
- Risk management method for the mechanical equipment bidding process
- Risks are there... be aware! The process to manage risk in tech projects.
- Road tunnel users' required knowledge related to safety
- Road tunnels' risk assessment in cases of accidents resulting in fire
- SAP implementation risk management
- SHRAGGES.edu research project presentation of results
- Smart cities risks' identification and mitigation
- Supply chain risk management: Case study in House Market S.A. - IKEA
- Survey on driving in road tunnels
- TRiTON - Risk Management System for the design and operation of ships bunkering LNG facilities
- Tunnel risk analysis summit and drill
- University France-Greece Collaboration